8 month update

Abigail Lynn
Weight: 18.15

Harper Grace
Weight: 18.12

Since Harper is a crazy crawling machine I think she’s burning lots of calories so miss Abs is still holding on to her 3 ounce weight advantage.

What the twins are wearing
The girls are still fitting in most 9 month outfits and now also 12 month outfits. Their growth has really slowed down this month.

Their eating schedule is the same. Only change is they are getting a much larger variety of foods now and they are getting pieces of cooked sweet potatoes, peas, grapes, watermelon etc. A new favorite is beet and blueberry purée. We tried giving them chicken but they both hated it. I can’t really blame them plain, unseasoned, purée chicken isn’t my cup of tea either. Their favorites include, pear, carrots, sweet potato, and banana. They also now love feeding them selves. They also love Happy Puffs.

The babies are still doing the same with sleeping. Going to bed around 6:30. Abbey sleeps through the night but Harper still wakes up once a night usually around 3am. I’m hoping to kick that habit this month. And they have now been waking up earlier anywhere between 6am and 7am.

They love playing peekaboo with daddy. They love chasing each other. If one starts crawling in the direction of the other they both just start giggling, it is ridiculously adorable. Harper loves pulling her self up onto everything, especially the side of her crib when she’s supposed to be sleeping. They love swimming. And they love chewing on remotes. But their most favorite is when daddy get home from work in the morning. The other day I put them on the kitchen floor and he opened the door and they got so excited and crawled to him it was insanely cute, Taylor said that’s the day he’s been waiting for since they were born.

Both girls have two bottom teeth. Abs has two top teeth and Harps has three top teeth. They are starting to do a really good job at picking up little pieces of food and feeding them self. They also love when I give them bigger pieces of watermelon and they just hold it and nibble at it. Harper can drink water through a straw now, Abs is still working on it. Taylor and I were talking and saying that we think Harper is quicker to learn large motor skills for example she’s a crazy fast crawler. And Abs has the fine motor skills she can find the tiniest piece of food and use her finger and thumb and pinch it and grab it. It’s pretty funny. Abbey is now crawling as well. She is still doing the army crawl but if she and Harper want the same toy she can be pretty fast.

This month the challenge was all three of us ladies got sick. It started with some kind of eye goop thing with Harper and then Abbey got it and then I caught something which gave me a fever and a bad cold and then Harper got Roseola. This was the first time Harper had a real fever. Her fever reached 103 but she was never really too fussy or overly sleepy or uncomfortable so I just let the fever run it’s course and gave her ice in her mesh feeder and when she woke up the next morning her fever was gone but she had the whole body rash so I knew it was roseola. Thank goodness Abs didn’t catch it. The biggest challenge came when I was sick. I had a fever at night and didn’t really eat much and then the next day my husband was on a 24hr shift and I was bringing Harper down stairs for breakfast and my legs gave out and I fell and slide down a few stairs and was able to keep ahold of Harper but hit her head against the wall. Taylor was able to come home for a minute and make sure she was fine (the perks of being married to a paramedic) but just that terrible feeling that I did something that hurt my child is a feeling I never ever want to feel again. That two week span of all of us being sick really sucked haha but were all better now.

My Favorite
My favorite this month is watching the girls play together. It has caused a few cries because Harper likes to try and pull herself up and Abbey which usually results in Abbeys face being smashed into the ground. But honestly it is so fun to watch them together and chase each other.

Weekly Pictures
























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